On the 28th and 29th of November, two representatives of the Antwerp port authority had a fascinating trip to Norway to meet the local shortsea community. Shortsea is an essential part of the intermodal strategy that needs to prepare the port of Antwerp for the future.
By offering shortsea, barge and rail as an alternative for road transport, we can reduce the existing congestion on the Belgian roads. We are enabling for more efficient use of the limited capacity of available trucks and truck-drivers; in the first and last mile of the intermodal value chain. Also, in Norway, they are firm believers in shortsea as the mode of transport.
Norway Shortsea-hub
In close collaboration with the Norwegian Shortsea Promotion Centre (SPC-N) and representatives of the Port of Antwerp, two Shortsea Business Workshops was arranged in both Stavanger and Oslo with participants from the local shortsea community.

Shipping Line Manager, Port of Antwerp
The goal of the workshops was clear: obtain market insights, promote the Port of Antwerp as a shortsea hub, and attract new Shortsea services.
The Workshop agenda include mingling with the participants, a presentation of the Shortsea opportunities from the Port of Antwerpen and finally Michiel Vermeiren (Shipping Lines Manager) and Dries Van Gheluwe (Key account manager) had 1-on-1 interviews with everybody present to get more in detail
The participants highly appreciated the workshops, and several follow-up actions are planned for 2020 (and beyond).
Shortsea Business Workshop
Are you a cargo-owner, port or a shipping line which is planning to do business with Norway? Do you need to get in touch with the Norwegian Shortsea community? Please contact Jørn Askvik at shortsea@shortseashipping.no to see how Shortsea Promotion Centre Norway can assist your business in getting in touch with the Norwegian Community.
Shortsea Business Workshop 28-29 November
Shortsea Business Workshops is a quarterly event. If you would like to present your business opportunities to stakeholders who can support the execution of your opportunity, I would like to get in touch with you.