A collaborative project on transport and storage of biogenic CO2 agreement between seven companies are just signed. The collaboration will also investigate the possibility of establishing Europe’s largest CO2 hub at the port of Hirtshals.
The agreement has enormous climate potential for transporting and storing biogenic CO2 in North Jutland. The partners will initially transport retained CO2 from local biogas plants to the port of Hirtshals, where ships will transport the retained CO2 for storage in empty oil fields in the North Sea. The collaboration also investigates the possibility of establishing Europe’s largest CO2 hub at the Port of Hirtshals.
Storing CO2 is an essential part of the solution to the climate challenges, and now INEOS Energy, Wintershall DEA, Port of Hirtshals, Biocarb Solution, Evida, Blue Water Shipping, and Greenport North are taking a big step towards the realization of a visionary project. The project, known as Greenport Scandinavia, involves the entire value chain for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS).
Photo: Port Of Hirtshals
The focal point for intermediate storage and shipping
The ambition is to significantly increase the amount of CO2 transported and stored and establish Europe’s largest hub for CO2 storage and shipping to fields in the North Sea.
We are already working with expansion plans for the port of Hirtshals, and storage and shipping of CO2 to the North Sea fits perfectly into our strategy. In the long term, the establishment of a CO2 hub in Hirtshals can contribute to solving the climate challenges, and we see great potential in the cooperation we have entered with the other partners.
CEO Per Holm Nørgaard from Port of Hirtshals
The Port of Hirtshals is ideally located to storage fields in the North Sea and receipt of CO2 and will thus become a large, green hub for intermediate storage and shipping of CO2 for both Danish and foreign CO2 emitters. There is, therefore, great potential for growth and utilization of economies of scale.
The partners behind the agreement will investigate the possibility of establishing the necessary infrastructure in the form of, for example, pipelines for the transport of CO2 from Denmark and other parts of Europe to Hirtshals.
Partner quotes on Greenport Scandinavia project
We at INEOS are very far along with our CO2 storage project Greensand, where immediately after the turn of the year, we will get the first CO2 into the Danish underground as part of our pilot demonstration project. It is, therefore, quite natural that we are now looking at how we can create a value chain for the capture, transport, and storage of CO2 in Denmark.
Mads Weng Gade Country Manager in INEOS Energy Denmark
The project and the establishment of a CO2 hub will be of great importance for the green transition. The production from biogas is already providing employment and growth to North Jutland – if we reach the goal with the project, we will focus on North Jutland as a beacon for green growth.
CEO Carsten Joest Nielsen, Biocarb Solution
There is enormous potential, both climate-wise and business-wise, for the whole of North Jutland in the agreement. Storing CO2 is an essential part of the solution to climate challenges. Furthermore, it can generate new companies and jobs in the port of Hirtshals and entire North Jutland.
Greenport North, CEO, Steen Hintze
Cost-effective transport of CO2 can support the development of a large-scale CO2 hub in North Jutland, which both contributes to meeting climate targets and supports business development in the area. Evida sees the development and establishment of piped CO2 infrastructure as the knob that opens the door. We look forward to collaboration on this ambitious project, which will create valuable knowledge and experience for all parties. As a result, we will boost the development of a position of strength in North Jutland.
Peter Kristensen, Director of Strategy and Development at Evida
Like Project Greensand, Greenport Scandinavia fits our strategy of entering into significant international partnerships around CCS projects. In Greenport Scandinavia, we can contribute with our experience from the entire value chain to create a business model for CCS with our strong Danish partners and thus support Europe’s climate goals.
Klaus Langemann, Senior Vice President Carbon Management and Hydrogen in Wintershall Dea
Blue Water is delighted to be a part of this fantastic project. We are experts in the execution of transport and logistics, and it is stimulating to help develop a new industry. Furthermore, as a global actor with local interest, we want to contribute positively to the green transition, and we, therefore, participate in various projects focusing on the green shift and our energy transition.
Jacob Kjærgaard, Regional Director Energy, Ports & Projects Europe, Blue Water Shipping