In March, Yilport Oslo handled more than 23 000 TEUs. With 3 months with record volumes in a row first quarter of 2019 shows an 18 % increase compared to 2018. The Cool Oslo Short Sea project between Oslo Port, Yilport Oslo and customers starts to show increased volumes.
BAMA took the lead
Oslo Port started in 2017 the project Cool Oslo Shortsea together with Yilport Oslo, the Norwegian Fruit and Vegetable’s Association, Interfruit, COOP and BAMA for increased use of sea transport on imports of fresh fruits and vegetables from Europe.
The project highlighted a significant potential to transfer goods from road- to sea-transport. 50% of 20,000 transports from Southwest Europe were considered transferable, provided that the Shortsea product met with the quality requirements throughout the supply chain.
BAMA took the lead, and together with shipping companies, logistics providers, ports and terminals, they have already after one year transferred approx. 2,000 full loads from the road to sea-transport. The project has been expanded to include several product groups such as plants, flowers, fish and alcoholic beverages.

More fruit and vegetables by sea
BAMA has incorporated sea-transport into their transport strategy for European import of fruit and vegetables. BAMA now chooses to import more fruit and vegetables by sea, rather than by truck.
God start for mer ferskvarer på sjøen
– Now we see that sea freight can deliver on price, emission requirements and quality so that the stores get fruit and vegetables when they need to. This means that in the future we will increase the use of maritime transport and believe that sea freight can take a greater part of our transport needs. It fits well into our environmental profile, says Logistics Manager, Arve Aspli, BAMA.
Environmental efficient sea transportation
– The increased volume shows that through close cooperation in the value chain forwarders, shipping lines, and logistics providers have worked to improve and deliver the quality needed to move more cargo from road to sea.
Yilport Oslo wishes to contribute so customers choose the environmentally efficient and sustainable maritime transport Commercial Manager, Maiken Solemdal
Shortsea Promotion Centre Norway er et kompetansesenter for nærskipsfart. Vi fremskaffer og formidler kunnskap som er nyttig i arbeidet med å gjøre sjøtransportens til en større del av verdikjeden.